Johnnie Walker Blue Label 750ML

Johnnie Walker Blue Label 750ML

Volume: 750ML

Brand: Johnnie Walker

Category: Whisky / Premium Whisky

Country: Scotland

Alcohol: 40%

Johnnie Walker Blue Label is the pinnacle of the Johnnie Walker Whisky stable. Created to reflect the the style of whiskies of the early 19th century, it is created using the rarest casks in House of Walker, the largest in the world.

The casks are hand selected and set aside for their exceptional quality, character and flavour while retaining the signature smokiness of Johnnie Walker whiskies.

COLOUR: Bright golden.

NOSE: Waves of spice give way to vanilla and honey.

PALATE: Caramel and hazelnuts course through dark chocolate.

FINISH: Luxuriously long, warming, smoky finish.
Rs 31,300.00